Men's and Women's Modern Utility Kilts Made in the U.S.A.

Thursday, April 29, 2021


The KiltedOG - "The Gullick" pose

Where do you live?
We currently reside in Sunnyside, Washington, the heart of the Yakima Valley!

What do you do for work?
I work in a Fortune 500 company “Contact Center” as a Quality Monitoring specialist!

More importantly, what do you do for fun?
Oh, I love to explore the great Pacific Northwest (kilted of course).

I love flying , in both Airplanes and Hot Air Balloons, there’s just something so relaxing and exhilarating about floating on the wind in a Hot Air Balloon hundred if not thousands of feet in the air!

I started my own “clan”, (the “ClanGullick”) that’s been so much fun! I started it after seeing so many Facebook/IG groups where those wearing kilts are so serious all the time and I was like, nope, it wearing a kilt is about breaking traditions and having a ton of fun in the “swish life”. I even have a kilted pose that has some wide spread across quite a few groups. I came up with it as the “anti kilt pose” of standing in a very stoic position with arms crossed and not smiling, I was like , that’s just not me! So I did the whole “goal/touchdown” pose with jazz hands that’s now affectionately known as “The Gullick” (it’s somewhat derived from when a football referee signals a touchdown)! I’m hoping to have actual in person clan meet ups as Highland Games/Festivals start opening up!

I’m a big live theater fan, so I love to see live shows whenever I can!

What are your hobbies?
Does playing Candy Crush count as a hobby?

Driving my bright orange truck around with the windows rolled down, blaring my favorite bands! I mean, sharing is caring right? RIGHT!

I do have a “unique” hobby of collecting Christmas “Ornaments”, currently we have over 150 merman ornaments and about 200 clown ornaments.

Getting men out of there pants!! (And get them in kilts)

Do you have any special talents?
Does threatening people with glitter grenades count as a “talent”?

How did you come to know STK?
I first learned of STK though “OffKilter Kilts”! It’s been about 5 years now, when I purchased the burnt orange color kilt! I’ve been hooked from that point on and even have made a few visits to the old location of STK!

What is your favorite event STK hosts or vends?
Oh, that’s a tough one, I love seeing STK at the pride and fetish events! (I’m hoping to talk y’all into coming to Prosser for the Highland Games.... hint hint hint)

What is the Favorite Feature on your STK?
My favorite feature is a tie: the flexibility of the sizing, and the hidden “sporran”/pocket! Fun fact, it took me a year to realize that pocket was there!

How many Kilts do you own?
All together, 38 plus 4 on order, that includes 10 from STK! (This number includes utility style and traditional tartan Kilts)

What is your favorite Kilt color?
Oh, that’s like Sophie’s choice isn’t it??! Why do you think I have all the colors of the rainbow from STK! It really depends on my mood what color is my favorite for that day!

Does “camo” count as a color? If so, then that my favorite color!

What secret thing do you put in your hidden pocket?
Nothing anymore, I used to put my keys and my wallet in that pocket, but, I’d forget they where in there and spend hours looking for my keys and wallet the next day! However if it’s a windy day I’ll put my wallet in the hidden pocket to help keep the kilt down!

What do you carry on your bandoleer (other than attachable pockets)?
Glitter grenades!!

What typically do you wear with your STK?

For footwear I have extremes, it’s either my 20 eye steel toe boots (color of the boot to match the color of kilt for that day) or my minimalist “Vibram” toe shoes.

Usually I’ll wear a t-shirt or hoodies with my Kilts, as I’m trying to break the “you have to be super formal” to wear a kilt stereotypes!

Where do you wear your STK?
Everywhere!! From eating out to theatre to flying to hiking to having fun at amusement parks!

I’m also really lucky that I can wear kilts to work!

(I have only worn pants 9 days in the last 5 years, each April 1st, it’s my running April Fools joke and on Halloween!)

What new Kilt so want to see from STK?
A leather kilt (maybe in partnership with Langlitz Leathers) and a “rainbow“ kilt with the underpleats different colors of the rainbow!

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