Men's and Women's Modern Utility Kilts Made in the U.S.A.

Friday, May 21, 2021


Where do you live?
Toren - I have lived in Portland for the past 17 years but recently moved to Corvallis to finish a Spanish Degree.   Angelica and I are moving to Scotland in August so she can finish her PhD and I can do A masters degree in Hispanic research.

What do you do for work?
Toren - This is one of those questions that I never answer. I normally say that it is a boring question and not many people like their job. But for some strange reason in the US we are always asking what people do for work and not what they do for fun so….on to the next question (but I am a musician - find me on Spotify if you like RedHeadedYeti).

More importantly, what do you do for fun?
Toren - YES!!!! I love to climb mountains and am a mountaineer; however, I love all sorts of activities such as: kayaking, surfing, cycling, travel, cooking, and playing music.

What are your hobbies?
Toren - Hobbies are similar to what I do for fun and how I live my life. IDK? I’ve built instruments such as guitars and violins, painting, poetry, writing, sculpture, anything related to art. We have also been known to dominate people in a game of Magic (Magic the Gathering).

Do you have any special talents?
Toren - I can whistle really well...hahaha. But seriously, I can shred on electric guitar and still play the soft blues. I can build almost anything and have taught myself most everything I know how to do. Hmmm...I never think of these things, I just do them.

How did you come to know STK?
Toren - I saw a guy wearing one and asked him where he got it from. I was a fan ever since. One of the best kilts I have ever owned.

What is your favorite event STK hosts or vends?
Toren - I have not been to any events that I can recall where we were there at the same time.

What is the Favorite Feature on your STK?
Toren - I like the stash pocket most of all. It has been the best part when trying to surreptitiously sneak things into concerts...ahhh...pre pandemic life, how do I miss thee.

How many Kilts do you own?
Toren - This is almost like asking someone what is under the kilt. I would say that I do not own any kilts and that they own me.

What is your favorite Kilt color?
Toren - I like the pinstripe the most but I tend to wear neutral colors most of the time anyway. Black is my favorite kilt color but I wish you guys had some tartan designs to choose from (or did custom gore tex kilt orders for climbing and hiking).

What secret thing do you put in your hidden pocket?
Toren - Well, that’s a secret, right? What do you put in yours? (Years ago it was good ol whiskey).

What do you carry on your bandoleer (other than attachable pockets)?
Toren - It depends on the adventure. Sometimes a knife but that is obvious. I regularly clip my keys with a carabiner but I do not like too many things dangling, I HATE DANGLING...

What typically do you wear with your STK?
Toren - Sandals look funny with a kilt so I always wear boots (which is the answer to what is under my kilt). However, sometimes I wear a vest if I am going somewhere formal but normally a wool shirt. I do not usually wear T-shirts with my kilt.

Where do you wear your STK?
Toren - EVERYWHERE!!! (Except Scotland, Kilts are banned in Scotland).

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